The Recent Move

April 25, 2008 at 1:02 pm (Home)


Mr. Perfect called one day and (out of the blue) said, “You have two days to decide if you want to move or not.”


Um . . . OK!


He had seen a financial advisor and was advised to try to move.  Three days later we were looking at property with my mother (who happened to be in town) and our realtor.  I knew which house I was interested in just from the photos.  Then when we actually saw the house, I was sold.



We made a ridiculous offer and figured it would never be accepted.  It was weeks before we heard back, but then again, that’s what happens when the offer gets lost somewhere in INDIA!  (No, I’m not kidding.)


Betty (our realtor) called and said, “Are you sitting down?  They accepted the offer.”

Me:  That’s Wonderful!

Betty:  We close in two weeks.

Me:  We close in two months?

Betty:  No, two WEEKS.


2000 square feet packed in two weeks.  Talk about lessons learned!


1.  I thought I was not a pack rat (hording things that I don’t use because I might use it someday).


2.  I thought I had a good grip on getting stuff (things that may be nice but are unnecessary) out of my house.


3.  I also thought that I was simply not a particularly good house keeper.




I couldn’t even tell you how many boxes of ‘pack rat’ and ‘stuff’ went to Goodwill in those two weeks.  And that doesn’t count the many that have gone since arriving in the new house.  As for not being a particularly good house keeper – more on that later.


Then it was moving day.  I can not tell you the gift of loving friends.  We’ve moved alone before after all our help backed out at the last minute.  To say it’s not easy is a gross understatement.


Anyway, we’re here, we’re unpacked, we’re settled.


I wonder what adventure is next up?






The bonus lesson learned on move-in day:  Don’t tell a group of servant-hearted men that you would love to use the mammoth solid oak wall unit upstairs for the children’s toys.  Our stairs are in a U-shape, a few stairs, a right angle, a few stairs, a right angle, and a few stairs.  The walls of this house had also been gorgeously painted and immaculately kept.  While I liked the idea, I thought getting the unit upstairs was a precarious endeavor at best.  (Did I mention it was mammoth?)  After a few comments followed by a measuring tape, I went to hide in the closet.  The men were concerned about the walls getting dinged up.  I was worried about men throwing their back out or large pieces of furniture crushing bodies and men falling over the stair wall or down the stairs.  Hiding in the closet worked.  (Who says denial doesn’t have its place?)


The mammoth wall unit is in the loft upstairs, none of the men were injured, and the walls remain pristinely intact.

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